Stock Donation Transfer

To make a gift of stock, ask your broker to donate through:

Merrill Lynch
DTC Number: 8862
Acct Number: 6VP-07389
Acct Name: The Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Los Angeles
Tax ID: 95-1684078

Questions? Contact:

IRIS is a program of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Los Angeles which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible. The organization’s tax identification number is 95-1684078. 100% of your donation goes to IRIS.

Tax-Wise Giving: About Donating Stock

Are you interested in making a charitable gift that may yield double tax benefits and additional savings? If so, a gift of appreciated stock may be the right option for you.

A gift of stock may provide more benefits than a cash gift. When you make a gift of stock to IRIS, by eliminating the capital gains tax that would be due upon selling the stock, you receive tangible tax-savings and benefits while also supporting the humanitarian mission. A gift of stock may be right for you if:

1. You are holding stocks that have risen in value. If your stocks are highly appreciated, you may find yourself with a hefty tax bill when it comes time to sell. By using these securities as a gift, you can avoid the capital gains tax on any paper profit.

2. You would like to maximize your deduction while not affecting your liquidity. If you decide to make a gift of stock, you not only retain your cash assets, but you also receive a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock that you’ve owned for more than one year.

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